Hi there,
This month's newsletter is about how to jump fast up og down in temperature.
Unique Re-Useable-Jacket for Single-Use-Bioreactors
For a Process-Control-System (PCS) based on thermal control with water the stand-alone re-useable heat exchanger for CellVessel/SUB, BactoVessel/SUF and CellMiscelatore/SUM operates fast and at a huge temperature range. The inserted SUB, SUF, SUM is incapsulated on the circumference and at bottom for optimum contact with external cooling/heating liquid.
Re-Useable-Jacket (RUJ) shown in Stainless Steel for 13 liter and 5.7 liter and 3.2 liter SUB, SUF, SUMs. Also available in PEEK as shown for the 3 liter BioBLU SUB from Eppendorf. The RUJ available for either bottom drive integrated with the Magnetic-Stirrer-Table or for Head-Plate-Drive.
Much more info available here https://cercell.com/products/accessory-products/thermal-control