InCyte on CerCell SUB

Hi there, 

Measure biomass and cell viability is not an easy task. CerCell offer to include the Incyte ARC biomass Single-Use-Sensor patch into a range of Single-Use-Bioreactors. 

The combined package is capable of measuring viable biomass, temperature and conductivity simultaneously. And off course other parameters such as DO, pH, CO2 as required with other high-quality Single-Use-Sensors.

From left the 3.2 liter CellVessel Single-Use-Bioreactor (SUB) equipped with Incyte ARC, VisiWell/VisiFerm and OneFerm all Single-Use-Sensors.
Center photo shows the 13 liter CellVessel SUB mounted also with the Incyte sensor + the Sipylus VP cable and a Cilix drive motor
Right photo catches the Hamilton Incyte-P-SU patch from inside the SUB attached onto the SUB wall.


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With kind regards from
Per Stobbe