Heating-Support-Foot 250
When volume of media is as low as 30-40 ml in a mini SUB or SUM (Single-Use-Mixer) combing thermal control and mechanical support makes sense. The Heating-Support-Foot for the mini CellVessel SUB, SUF, SUMs integrate a STEP motor to be driven by one of Themis motor drives from sister www.cronus-pcs.com/products/themis-motor-drive like the Cadmus or Cilix.
As stand-alone connected to thermal control unit Harmonia from sister www.cronus-pcs.com
Electrical thermal control of 250 ml SUB or SUMs
Heating-Support-Foot (HSF-E) for CellVessel vessels integrate electrical cartridge heating element controlled by Harmonia. Able to operate selectable either 110 VAC or 230 VAC supply (always including ground and to be used with ground!) All HSF-E for mini SUBs or SUMs is based on 100 x 100 mm blocks. HSF-E integrates a thermal protection which cut of at 55°C and connect again at 35°C. NOT for cultivation purposes – only for your personal protection! Drilled holes are 4,2 mm for SS well for OD 2,0 mm thermocouple and 6,2 mm for OD 6 mm thermocouple.
Mechanical support of 250 ml SUMs
The basic MS_TC works as Magnetic-Stirrer for like mRNA mixing in very small scale projects in a very compact setup. The Cilix-8 servo motor from Cronus-PCS operate 8 SUMs in parallel.
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