Hi there,
BIG BactoVessels as shown below are designed to customer specific needs. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensor inserted into the PolarWell / VisiWell. Well for thermocouple and Single-Use pH OneFerm.
Latest news is Optical Density (OD) sensor to insert into non-invasive BacWell. The vessel to the right integrates a surrounding Single-Use-Jacket (SUJ) with threaded connector hubs.
In this example three Rushton turbine Head-Plate-Drive (HPD) on a stainless-steel axle for speed up to 1.500 RPM. Exhaust filters for extra protection after a foam collecting bottle or a condenser.
Sterile filters preferably wrapped with the Sterile-Filter-Heater (SFH)
Both BactoVessels are of 30 litre Vessel Volume (VV) inside the Single-Use-Jacket for thermal control.
Further an exhaust foam collecting bottle size according to requirements.
More info available here https://cercell.com/products/single-use-fermenters
With kind regards from
Per Stobbe