Hi there,
Here we show a super product for fermentation and ready to install and operate in less than an hour. All BactoVessel´s are designed and customized to end-user´s specific needs. Single-Use-Sensors for DO and pH and ID 7 mm well for thermocouple.
SUFs shown are from a larger series of customizable SUFs. The SUFs integrates with surrounding Single-Use-Jacket (SUJ) with threaded water connectors.
In this example two customized turbines for Head-Plate-Drive (HPD) on a stainless-steel axle for speed up to 1,200 RPM. Lots of hoses supporting easy installation and use.
Both BactoVessel’s are of 13 liter Vessel Volume (VV) inside the Single-Use-Jacket for thermal control.
More info available here https://cercell.com/products/single-use-fermenters
With kind regards from
Per Stobbe