The different pump's used in perfusion
Brief description of different pumps used in perfusion systems ranging 0.1 to +1,000 liter SUB, STR Vessel Volume. Most pumps possible to integrate with the SUB and HFF into an all single-use system.

DIAPHRAGM PUMP'S – free moving membrane in perfusion systems
- PerfuseCell – Clio O-SUP - Laser controlled position membrane for TFF mode operation, do not need a flow sensor, keep the HFF clean
- Repligen – non-controlled position membrane operating in ATF mode – - not really able to keep the HFF clean
- PerfuseCell - Thalia A-SUP - Laser controlled position membrane for ATF mode operation, do not need a flow sensor, keep the HFF clean
- QuattroFlow - multi diaphragm and multi valve electrical motor driven SUP for TFF mode operation - not really able to keep the HFF clean

CENTRIFUGAL PUMP'S – used in TFF perfusion systems - not able to keep the HFF clean
- Various suppliers -
- Levitronix pumps –
Levitronix is by far the most used centrifugal Single-Use-Pump’s for TFF mode operation with either sanitary coupling or barb connection.
- DCP-30 – standard in LowRider-1 and selectable in LowRider-2
- DCP-200 – selectable in LowRider-2 and standard in LowRider-10
- DCP-600 – standard for LowRider-20
Levitronix drive units available with external (MU-models) or integrated electronics (i-models).

PERISTALTIC PUMP'S – used for TFF mode operation perfusion systems - not able to keep the HFF clean
- Spectrum / Repligen
- Watson-Marlow EquFlow

Centrifugal and peristaltic pumps need, benefit from a flow sensor. Relevant flow, velocity sensors ranging some hundred ml/min to >20 liter/min. Most often in a loop for pump alteration with a pump controller. The Clio and Thalia diaphragm SUPs are thrue mass flow sensing Single-Use-Pump's with no need for flow sensors.