Towers and discs for Head-Plate-Drive (HPD) for both CellVessel and BactoVessel
Standardised STR, SUB, SUF product adapters are most helpful for all parties. Tower are white Nylon for Applikon old style servomotors. Metal discs are for ID39-B concept of servo motor adaptors.
Applikon tower for OD150 HPD drive
set of Applikon towers HPD
Product adapters based on the Applikon small standard mounting format are used by various PCS manufactures such as from Applikon, Broadley-James, DASGIP, etc
ID39-B disc for OD110 and 137
HPD drive discs for OD110 or OD137 or OD150 CellVessel and BactoVessel. When in use with servo motors equipped with the ID39-B mounting format.
ID39-B disc for OD200 HPD
ID39-B disc for 250 mm HPD
Range ID39-B discs for HPD
HPD drive discs for OD200 and OD250 CellVessel and BactoVessel size. When in use with servo motors equipped with the ID39-B mounting format.
ElectroLab FerMac 310-60 disc+adaptor
BactoVessel ID40-A disc for P-1000
More advanced giant HPD disc kits for connecting the 30 liter BactoVessel to: 1 ElectroLab FerMac 310/60 PCS with Baldor servo motor. 2. Applikon EZ P-1000 servo motor as much as 8,9 kilo heavy. The 30 liter BactoVessel is based on HPD with OD250 mm head plate diameter.
HPD drive discs for OD110 or OD137 or OD150 CellVessel and BactoVessel. When in use with servo motors equipped with the ID39-B mounting format.