All the products presented requires some sort of rotating device for mixing and agitation purposes. This by loosing power, kinetic energy into the fluid. A huge range of servo motors are used and arranged schematically for your information. The number of servo motor adapters, discs, towers are dominated, not surprising, by the Biostat brand and the Applikon brand.

In total app 42,000 Process-Control-System (all kind of old-fashion PCS's year 2020) are in operation all over the globe. App 50% is PCS design from very early B.Braun in Melsungen, Germany and since year 2000 part of Sartorius-Stedim in Göttingen. App 10% is Applikon design and the rest shared among app 25 different global PCS manufactures.
Sister company to CerCell A/S and PerfuseCell A/S offer a range of supporting drive unit, thermal control unit, sensor unit and both peristaltic and diaphragm pumping units. To control an advanced mixer by the traditional PCS is by far not optimum - look up the product names: Perseus, Harmonia, Sipylus, Cilix, Otrera, Ares, Clotho on