Collaboration with end-user
Customized 5.7 liter BactoVessel® Single-Use-Fermenter (SUF) being a unique scaling down of the Xcellerex XDR-50 bag with a factor 10.
Fits to your existing PCS with your PCS servo motor driving:
- the Magnetic-Stirrer-Table (MST) with the smaller turbine/impeller for up to 800 RPM
- the Head-Plate-Drive (HPD) for 1,500 RPM and plenty of torque input
– or both!
The XDR-50 bag facilitates Magnetic-Bottom-Drive with the large turbine/impeller next to the scale down turbine/impeller. The smaller turbine assembly inside BactoVessel is designed to be driven by both MST and HPD. Note the ring sparger under the turbine. Fully assembled BactoVessel XDR incl gas cooler.
CerCell have kept the unique triangular baffles which ensure a more accurate down scaling of the XDR. The inlet, outlet and exhaust, can be modified to suite specific needs.