Easy to order and use 21 liter SUF products
Originally a highly customized BactoVessel product from CerCell. Now a standard = Single-Use-Fermenter (SUF) which easily replace old fashion glass/steel STR. Thermal control (most often cooling) liquid based via the integrated Single-Use-Jacket (SUJ). Will work with any servo motor via one of the many adaptors from CerCell.
Shown the 21 liter SUF for liquid thermal control mounted with Single-Use-Jacket for cooling. Supplied with pH Single-Use-Sensors and non-invasive DO PolarWell or VisiWell. This particular SUF fulfil the customers GMP requirements.
- Single-Use-Fermenter (SUF) for microbial fermentation with outside dimension (OD) 250 x 420 mm = 21 liter Vessel Volume (VV)
- 2 or 3 either Rushton or Smith turbines OD 100 mm
- 3 baffle’s
- Single-Use-Jacket for liquid temperature control
- Ring sparger 14 x 0.5 mm holes
- Exhaust gas cooler medium size with ID 18 mm short exhaust hose from head plate
- Seven 3.2/6.4 - 900 mm long weldable silicone hoses for; sampling, head space gas, aeration gas, acid fluid, etc.
- Non invasive DO VisiWell for VisiFerm RUS or PolarWell for any polarographic RUS. FermProbe SUS polymer pH analogue S8 connection
- Two large capacity In&Out weldable hoses 900 mm long with CPC connectors
This here shown BactoVessel is designed for Head-Plate-Drive (HPD) with operation up to impressive 1.500 RPM. Big heavy servo motors is required. The show example - the customer had the quite power full 400 watt DC P1000 servo motor. Which again required the ID40A adaptor set able to handle the 8,9 kilo heavy as well as the torque.
Check out variants and accessories under Commerce. We suggest checking out more information under Support/BactoVessel.