Easy to order and use 13 liter SUF products
Standard product which require no involvement of specialized help from CerCell. Single-Use-Fermenter (SUF) which easily replace old fashion glass/steel STR. Thermal control (most often cooling) liquid based when inserted into the Re-Usable-Jacket.
Shown a 13 liter SUF for electrical heating and similar size 13 liter mounted with Single-Use-Jacket for cooling. Both shown with pH Single-Use-Sensor's and non-invasive DO VisiWell or PolarWell.
Available with Head-Plate-Drive (HPD) for 1,200 RPM. Either no sensors or with classical pH analogue and VisiWell or PolarWell for various DO Single-Use-Sensor's (SUS).
Single-Use-Fermenter (SUF) for microbial fermentation with outside dimension (OD) 200 x 420 mm = 13 liter Vessel Volume (VV) including 2-3 Rushton turbines, 3 baffle’s, gas cooler and Single-Use-Jacket for liquid temperature control.
Check out variants and accessories under Commerce. We suggest checking out more information under Support/BactoVessel.